Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2035 - A Brief Report from FRAG

(This is speculative fiction and nothing more. Or is it?)

May 28, 2035   
A brief report from the Federal Reproduction Advancement Group.
How it’s working:
Since the inception five years ago of this highly-praised program, all children have become planned products. Most are now produced exo utero, monitored by the Federal Reproduction Advancement Group, or FRAG. Parents may visit from time to time. Typically though, they arrive when informed their product has reached gestational completion. All products are sent home for a probationary period. The parent/parents retrieve vital information by scanning the product’s arm. A microchip transmits information to an app set up by FRAG.
With approved permission, a product may be conceived naturally, or by independent methods, and grown in utero. The monitoring occurs via the mother’s (or in some cases, the father’s) microchip. At any time, a non-viable product may be expelled by FRAG. The parent/parents will receive no notice or report concerning the decision to terminate. The pregnancy will appear to end by natural selection, and the parent/parents will not be informed otherwise. Overall, parents are accepting of this procedure and do not question the product’s end.
Careful selection of the embryo followed by lab-gestation provides parents the freedom to choose male or female, or gender-neutral, eye and hair color, skin tone, general physique, athletic propensity, as well as advanced cognitive aptitude probability. Of course, no guarantee is made that a high-brain will be produced, but parents are finding the success rate increasingly satisfactory. Biogenetics and technological enhancement offer prime outcome for exo utero production, thus lowering the termination rate substantially.
A product may begin with numerous parents chosen either by the primary parent/parents, or by FRAG. All products are thoroughly reviewed for quality and optimum development and may be recalled during the three-month probationary period. After such time, if parents wish to continue, they must sign a waiver releasing the government from future product failure.
General statistics:
Production to date, both successful and terminated: 3,433,148.
Five-year production cap: 4,000,000.
Exo utero production: 2,992,467/product termination: 4,342
In utero production: 440,681/product termination: 42,592
Probationary recall post exo utero: 417
Probationary recall post in utero: 8,643
Projected results and overall conclusion:
The methods set forth by FRAG provide consistency in product quality while allowing parents choices in both production and participation. Staying well under the established five-year production cap indicates cooperation of parents and society in general with the government’s population control initiative. Statistically, the preferred method is exo utero production. As well, the success rate is higher, confirming FRAG’s ability to provide superior quality control by moving gestation out of the uterus and into the laboratory.
With only a small population of in utero products surviving past the probationary period, a government panel has determined a significant decrease in projected long-term assistance programs for under optimum citizens. Older children and adults classified as in utero products may be reclassified as under optimum unless meeting certain criteria. Programs will remain available to meet their special needs.
With a decrease in overall population and an increase in quality production, all citizens can expect a future with less burden on government and greater freedom to enjoy excellence, promote proper values, and live without fear of the unplanned as we all work together to produce the next generation.
This report is brought to you by the Federal Reproduction Advancement Group.
For the children. For the world.”
May 28, 2035

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